
Fresh is a mobile forum for community environmental awareness that uses GSM  networking  and  positioning via the cell IDs in users’ phones to let people discuss “green” issues related to […]


SurroundSense a mobile phone based system that explores logical localization via ambience fingerprinting.


MetroTrack is a system capable of tracking mobile events using off-the-shelf mobile phones. While the proof-of-concept prototype implementation of MetroTrack focused on tracking a mobile audio source, we believe that […]


With MoVi the mobile phones collectively sense the surrounding ambiance to detect precursor signs (e.g., outburst of laughter, moves in the same directions) of relevant social events (e.g., speeches) and […]


EarPhone is a participatory noise mapping system that uses mobile phones to determine environmental noise levels (particularly roadside ambient noise).


Ikarus is a participatory sensing application for paraglider pilots. It collects information about thermal columns, which are used by pilots to gain in altitude during their flights. Ikarus is based […]


PollutionSpy application aims to monitor air pollution in traffic by using mobile phones to create a “pollution map” of Cambridge, England. It also promotes social networking in a local community through the provision […]

Haze Watch

Haze Watch mobile phones were interfaced to external pollution sensors, in order to measure the concentration of carbon monoxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide concentration in the air.


MobAsthma monitors the asthma condition of the patients and their exposure to pollution. A peak flow meter and a pollution sensor are interfaced to the mobile phone via a Bluetooth […]


Floracaching is a geocaching where the goal is to find specific flowers. It is a gamified app for citizen science that contributes data to Project Budburst.