
The user contributes for it’s own benefit, to follow a routine, see a personal evolution. The data can or cannot be shared with other users.


Heartphones is a system for continuous heart rate monitoring comprising sensor earphones and a mobile application. By integrating sensors into earbuds and performing measurements near the tragus, our system offers […]

Jog Falls

Jog Falls project which is based on the combination of body-area sensors (acceleration and heart rate) with a simple interface for entering calorie intake. Both functionalities are integrated within a […]


HealthSense project targets the automated detection of health-related events that cannot be directly observed by current sensor technology, like tow conditions, pain, or depression.


DietSense assists participants who want to lose weight by documenting their dietary choices through images and sound samples. The mobile phones are worn on necklaces and automatically take images of […]

UbiFit Garden

UbiFit Garden uses on-body sensing, activity inference, and a novel personal, mobile display to encourage physical activity.