
MetroTrack is a system capable of tracking mobile events using off-the-shelf mobile phones. While the proof-of-concept prototype implementation of MetroTrack focused on tracking a mobile audio source, we believe that […]

Haze Watch

Haze Watch mobile phones were interfaced to external pollution sensors, in order to measure the concentration of carbon monoxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide concentration in the air.


PetrolWatch facilitate price comparisons of fuel at different locations. Instead of manually reporting the prices, the participants use their mobile phones to take pictures of the displayed prices.


Biketastic documents the bicycling experiences of the participants. It concentrates on the road conditions, including the roughness of the road and the noise level along the road captured by on-board accelerometers […]


DietSense assists participants who want to lose weight by documenting their dietary choices through images and sound samples. The mobile phones are worn on necklaces and automatically take images of […]


Floracaching is a geocaching where the goal is to find specific flowers. It is a gamified app for citizen science that contributes data to Project Budburst.


Livecompare provides services to identify the most economic grocery stores. The participants only need to take pictures of a product’s price tag and its barcode. The barcode is decoded into […]


Micro-Blog is a people-centric app with sensors capable of aggregating participatory as well as sensory inputs from local surroundings. These inputs can be visualized in different dimensions, such as space and […]


MobiShop is a distributed computing system designed to collect, process and deliver product pricing information from street-side shops to potential buyers, on their mobile phones. In addition, it can also serve as an […]


eBird is a birding community that reports and accesses information about birds. Launched in 2002 by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, eBird provides rich data sources for […]