
ASC Roadkill Observations

The Adventure Scientists’ Roadkill Survey recruits cyclists and runners to record roadkill observations in an effort to research and reduce animal-vehicle collisions. This data helps our partner scientist at the University […]


Urubu Mobile is an app designed to turn users into a citizen scientists. It is part of a set of technological tools called the Urubu System. It is an initiative of the Brazilian […]


Heartphones is a system for continuous heart rate monitoring comprising sensor earphones and a mobile application. By integrating sensors into earbuds and performing measurements near the tragus, our system offers […]


Fresh is a mobile forum for community environmental awareness that uses GSM  networking  and  positioning via the cell IDs in users’ phones to let people discuss “green” issues related to […]


Transafe is a proposed mobile platform that captures and analyses public perceptions of safety to deliver ‘crowdsourced’ collective intelligence about places in the City of Melbourne, Australia, and their affective states […]


With MoVi the mobile phones collectively sense the surrounding ambiance to detect precursor signs (e.g., outburst of laughter, moves in the same directions) of relevant social events (e.g., speeches) and […]


Biketastic documents the bicycling experiences of the participants. It concentrates on the road conditions, including the roughness of the road and the noise level along the road captured by on-board accelerometers […]


Floracaching is a geocaching where the goal is to find specific flowers. It is a gamified app for citizen science that contributes data to Project Budburst.


Livecompare provides services to identify the most economic grocery stores. The participants only need to take pictures of a product’s price tag and its barcode. The barcode is decoded into […]


Micro-Blog is a people-centric app with sensors capable of aggregating participatory as well as sensory inputs from local surroundings. These inputs can be visualized in different dimensions, such as space and […]